Natural Health Solutions for Your Horses
Welcome to our Horse Shop! Whether you are looking to provide your horse with improved nutrition or you have a challenging health condition to solve, you can find it here. We embrace all aspects of holistic horse health including diet, natural horse-keeping, exercise, and hoof care so we know that nutritional, homeopathic, and herbal supplements are absolutely necessary to restore good health. We have spent the last twenty years helping thousands of horse owners all over the world resolve the toughest conditions, many of which were deemed as lost causes, so we know what it takes to get your horse’s health back on track. It is with this experience, that we have been able to perfect every single formula to do exactly what your horse needs it to. As committed and dedicated horse owners we all love our horses and want to give them the most natural and effective solutions available. And we are here to help you do just that. Our wide selection of products is made with the highest quality ingredients available and have delivered amazing results time and time again. May your horses live, long, happy and healthy lives doing all the things that you both love to do.
Learn How to Use Riva’s Products. Click Here For Guidelines
Anxiety, Nervousness & StressHypersensitivity, trailering, separation anxiety and competition.
Cough, Cold & FluCough, fever, runny nose or signs of a virus.
Equine Metabolic SyndromeEquine Metabolic Syndrome and "Easy Keepers".
Infections, Abscesses & WoundsInfection prevention, wound cleaning, faster healing.
Joints, Bone & MusclesStifle injuries, fractures, stringhalt, improved mobility.
NutritionTop quality nutritional supplements for recreational horses, senior or performance horses.
Skin ConditionsScratches, rain rot, mud fever, sweet itch and sarcoids.
Ulcers & CribbingCribbing, stomach sensitivity and indigestion.

Skye’s Wound Heals
"Thank you for the recommendation of the Tissue Aid! After three rounds of antibiotics the laceration on Skye’s hock remained open. So I took her off the antibiotics and shortly after started her back on Vitamin C at the higher dose. In three days the wound healed to about 90%. A week later it was completely closed. It was a stark reminder that if you give your horse the right tools they will heal themselves. Thank you for the guidance."... Desiree S. (Vancouver, B.C.)

Trotter and Duncan’s Favourite Riva’s Remedies Products
"I saw immediate response with Trotter when I started the Cool & Calm on him because he became much calmer and grounded and much less reactive to his environment and people. He gets it daily now. I also noticed immediate response when I used the Enviro-Ease on Duncan this summer when allergies were bothering him and he was blowing discharge from his nose. All symptoms stopped after the first day, although I continued it for the 7 days as recommended. Both minis are IR/Cushings and I started them both on the HPA Balance and Vitex Plus a few weeks before the fall seasonal rise of ACTH and I'm thrilled to say they have continued to be very sound. They no longer take Prascend. "... June N. (Leaburg, Oregon)

Who is Riva?
Riva was the long-time equine companion to Marijke and the namesake of Riva’s Remedies. Riva was the great granddaughter of Riva Ridge, who was the fabulous racehorse and running mate to Secretariat. He was an outstanding racehorse in his own right winning both the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes in 1972. Our Riva was an Appendix and certainly had her grandsire’s fire, but this lineage of passionate horses also blessed her with a huge heart.
Riva and Marijke were together since she was 5 months old and Riva’s job was to watch out for Marijke and to stand by her on their combined mission to help as many horses around the world as they could. During this time, Riva championed tens of thousands of horses and their people and blessed every one of Riva’s Remedies with love, compassion, and healing.
Riva was laid to rest on July 07th, 2022 at the age of 25. She will always be appreciated for the huge dent she made in this world, and for all the hard work that she put into Riva’s Remedies. We know that her very compassionate heart will continue to be felt by every horse and every pet through her remedies. She will always send out endless healing energies to animals and people everywhere. Her healing spirit will never die. As one close friend described her…
“Riva has always worked her magic like a medicine wheel portal sending out healing in all directions and I know that her healing spirit will continue to do so. As you know there is no ending in a medicine wheel. Riva will always give endless healing, just like you Marijke!”
Love to all…Riva, Marijke, & Elisha