Herbs, Homeopathic Remedies, Vitamins & Minerals
Herbal Blends
While it may not seem “natural” for cats to eat plants and wild forage, their wild cat relatives have access to many different types of grasses and plants. They are able to find the exact right plants that they need for healing and to stay healthy. But thankfully, we are able to bring plant medicines and herbs home to our domestic (indoor especially) cats to help keep them healthy, naturally.
Herbs can be fed with any wet or soft cat foods, so the herbal powders can be mixed in well. All of Riva’s herbs for cats are in powdered form making them easy to ingest. Riva’s herbal products are very palatable, but it may take some time for your cat to adjust to the smells and texture of the herbal powders. It is highly recommended to start with a smaller amount and work your way up to the recommended dosage. Then over a few days gradually increase to the desired dosage. If they object to the higher quantities, either decrease the quantity of herbs again or increase the amount of food.
For herbal blends the recommended dosage is ¼ teaspoon daily. Again, you may need to adjust to a lower amount in the beginning and gradually work towards the ¼ dosage.
Like humans, cats are all very unique and can have very different responses to their supplements. The duration of a particular herbal blend not only depends on the specific health condition but also on their immune system and overall health and vitality which determines how quickly they improve on a natural health program.
For most of our herbal blends it is advisable to feed the daily dosage (as indicated on the label) for 4-6 weeks. If the health condition has completely improved by that time gradually discontinue the product. If after 4-6 weeks, the condition is still gradually improving but not yet resolved continue feeding the herbs. If the health condition improves before 4-6 weeks, use a maintenance dose of twice per week.
If you have discontinued the product or your cat is on the maintenance dosage already, and the condition or symptoms reappear at any time, then resume feeding the herbal powder daily at the original dose.
Some of our herbal blends are formulated for nutritional purposes and can therefore be given for longer periods of time. The ingredients in the Happy Pets, Happy Pets Senior, and Immune Force herbal blends are blended to provide nutrition from plant food sources. After an initial duration of 2-3 months, these blends can be given in a smaller daily dosage or the usual dosage twice per week.
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Vitamins & Minerals
We have formulated all of our vitamins and minerals using the highest quality forms to ensure superior absorption and metabolism. We also avoid making “multis” because many vitamins and minerals compete for intestinal absorption making it hard to know what your cat is actually getting out of a multi vitamin or mineral mix.
The Riva’s vitamins and minerals are very palatable and are manufactured as neutral tasting powders. In addition, the dosages are small and easy to add to your cat’s food.
Follow the directions on the product labels. Doses are normally 1/8 tsp to ¼ tsp. daily.
Nutrients are used to correct a specific deficiency or therapeutically to provide the body with the nutritional building blocks required to promote optimum function of the immune system, musculo-skeletal system, tissues, and organs.
It is recommended to give vitamins and minerals as a daily dosage for 2-3 months then go to a maintenance dose of twice per week. Maintenance dosages prevent nutrient deficiencies as well as excesses. If the original health condition reappears on a maintenance dosage, then resume the full dosage as recommended. As well, if your cat’s general well-being is obviously improved while taking the nutrient, then it is appropriate to continue at the usual daily dosage.
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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
To determine where your cat’s nutritional status is at consider having a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) done. An HTMA is a scientific test which accurately measures the mineral content for over 30 different minerals in the hair. Mineral content in the hair reflects the mineral content of the body’s tissues. It can also detect toxic heavy metals.
An HTMA also assesses organ health, stress levels, blood sugar metabolism, thyroid function, and levels of inflammation. Hair analysis is an invaluable screening tool which helps guide diet and feed choices and detect mineral deficiencies as well as mineral excesses.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis More Information
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are easy to administer, fast-acting, have no taste, and are highly effective. They are safe and gentle for all animals including kittens, pregnant females, senior cats, cats who are ill, and cats who are hypersensitive.
However, homeopathic remedies need to be administered directly into a clean mouth without food. Homeopathic remedies cannot be added to the food. The Riva’s homeopathic remedies are liquid formulations which come in a glass bottle with a medicine dropper. You can follow up with a little treat and they will look forward to each of their dosages. You can also add the drops to a small amount of drinking water and let them drink freely. If oral methods are not working out well, which can happen with very sensitive cats, dab one drop on the pads of the paws or behind the ears.
Give 1-2 drops per dose. Homeopathic remedies can be given once or twice daily depending on the symptoms.
For acute symptoms or injuries give one dose twice daily. For long standing or chronic problems give one dose once daily.
For acute symptoms, the general rule of thumb is to discontinue the remedy as soon as the symptoms disappear. If symptoms reappear resume the remedy. However, if acute symptoms do not improve within a few days change remedies.
For chronic problems, a well-selected combination formula can be continued for several weeks or longer if benefit is demonstrated, or if symptoms worsen when discontinued. However, if at any time symptoms are aggravated while on the remedies, the product should be discontinued.
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Riva’s Remedies for Good Health
All of our products are formulated to be complementary with one another and can be fed together. Herbal blends can be fed with other herbal blends for example, or with any of the vitamins and minerals. Products can also be used with any of the homeopathic remedies.
As with any supplement or food, if adverse effects are suspected discontinue the product immediately. That said, barring a specific allergy or intolerance, negative reactions to good quality herbs and remedies are very uncommon and if they do occur, they disappear almost immediately after discontinuing the product.
With the appropriate diet along with well-selected supplements and remedies a natural health program will quickly yield positive results. Changes are usually observed within one to two weeks or sooner. However, chronic problems, such as kidney and bladder diseases, immune disorders, allergies, skin conditions, chronic inflammation, deep seated anxiety, or detoxification for example, may take longer.
Marijke van de Water, B.Sc., DHMS
Animal Health & Nutrition Specialist
Homeopathic Practitioner
Medical Intuitive & Healer
Educator & Author
Marijke is a life-long animal lover, the author of the best-selling Healing Dogs Their Way, and the founder, formulator, and CEO of Riva’s Remedies. She is a gifted healer who helps all animals, and their people, from around the world live happier, healthier lives.
Edited by our In-House Cat Specialist Darla Marie Cameron, DHHP, Homeopathic Practitioner
Darla is a valued member of the Riva’s Remedies natural health care team and has always had a love and interest for cats. Since natural health and healing has been a part of her life too for many years, it was a perfect fit for her to focus her skills on caring for cats and helping them to live healthy, long, and happy lives.