
Effective Approach for Managing Yeast Infections in Dogs

Posted by Marijke van de Water on 2018 Aug 3rd

Effective Approach for Managing Yeast Infections in Dogs

Signs, Symptoms and Solutions

One of the most common health conditions that continue to plague our dogs is yeast infections. An overwhelming number of dogs suffer from itchy, smelly, inflamed and sometimes blackened skin and ears.

Canine yeast infections can be acute with more severe symptoms or infections can be chronic and persist for long periods of time with frequent flare-ups. With dozens of inquiries from worried dog owners crossing our desk on a regular basis we have come up with a solid solution to give your dog relief today! But first let’s talk about what yeast is, how it affects their body function and what causes them.

What Is Yeast?

Most cases of yeast in dogs are caused by the Malassezia species of yeast, which are normal inhabitants of the skin and ears but when it reproduces uncontrollably it invades the tissues resulting in canine yeast infections.

How It Wreaks Havoc On Our Dogs

Yeast is a naturally occurring organism in the intestines too but when the levels increase, yeast overtakes and kills off the friendly bacteria, unbalances the colon eco-system, and produces acids and toxins. These acids and toxins then damage the colon membranes making them more permeable which then causes a “leaky gut”. The yeast, now a fungus, migrates through these leaky membranes to other locations such as the sinuses, ears, lungs, bronchial tubes, liver, kidneys, bladder, and skin.

Yeast and its toxins also adversely affect the immune system including the liver; yeast causes the liver to become over-burdened with chemicals such as acetaldehyde which then interferes with its ability to detoxify the body and to metabolize hormones.

What Causes Yeast Infections?

Yeast overgrowth is commonly caused by medications: antibiotics, steroids, and hormone drugs. These medications destroy friendly bacteria and deplete important nutrients further depressing the immune system.

Yeast overgrowth is also perpetuated by a poor diet – poor quality grains (wheat and corn), excess meat protein, or low fibre. Low iron levels also cause chronic infections of any kind – yeast, bacteria, or parasites.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

Symptoms can include excessive licking of the feet, chewing on the hair coat, scratching the ears, head shaking, hair loss, foul smelling skin or ears, black skin, or symptoms which worsen in the spring and fall, since these are times that yeast can proliferate as part of a natural life cycle.

Since yeast and its toxins affect all body systems it also causes hormone imbalances, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, depression, nervousness, and digestive problems such as bloating, excess gas and/or diarrhea.

Natural Solutions for Yeast Infections

The holistic model does not subscribe to the conventional “germ theory” which hunts for symptom-causing yeast cells to identify them and prescribe a drug to kill them. Remember, yeast cells are naturally occurring at normal levels, so we don’t want to wipe them out completely. The holistic model focusses on the terrain, the health of which is the only factor that determines the ability of the pathogen to flourish and propagate.

And while topical treatments with ointments and creams can soothe the skin and hold off symptoms, chronic and stubborn yeast infections are almost always secondary to other underlying unresolved health conditions, particularly poor digestive health and a toxic and leaky gut.


  • Eliminate wheat, corn gluten, dairy products, soy products, rancid oils, and all known food allergies and intolerances, which depress the immune system
  • Add more seeds such as flax, chia, and/or hemp to the diet to provide a natural source of essential fatty acids and fibre.

Riva’s Recommended Supplement Program

Pro-Colon prebiotic and probiotic – Pre and probiotics formulated to replenish friendly bacteria, and to support the microbiome. Maintains normal digestion and supports the intestinal immune system. Use for all digestive imbalances and to maintain digestive health after medications. Riva’s Pro-Colon is free of fillers and stabilizers and is non-GMO. Refrigerate to ensure maximum potency

Pet Cleanse Plus supports liver health, maintains a healthy intestinal environment, microbiome and the immune system.


Detox Dog herbal blend – Our dogs are experiencing increasing levels of toxins due to diet, water supply, and medications including vaccines. Detox Dog is an herbal blend to maintain and detoxify intestinal, liver, kidneys, and skin health. Promotes a healthy immune system.

Bella's Ear Drops - An all-natural herbal topical blend of tea tree oil and calendula emulsified in olive oil to promote healthy ears in dogs affected by itching and soreness. Apply topically.

Even though canine yeast infections aren’t life threatening, they do take a toll on their health and immunity. They also make them itchy and uncomfortable. So now that you know how to recognize them, what causes them and how to resolve them they will be feeling better in no time!

For extensive information on diet, nutrition, and natural healing programs read Healing Dogs Their Way
