
Can Nutritional Therapy Help your Dog?

Posted by Marijke van de Water on 2018 Mar 29th

Can Nutritional Therapy Help your Dog?

Is your dog getting what they need in their diet?

Contrary to popular opinion, the diet of the domestic dog does not provide all of the nutrients that they need for optimum health. For many years dog owners were educated to believe that a bag of commercial pet food would provide all of the nutrition that their dogs would need to stay healthy. However, with the current epidemic of diseased pets everywhere, most of us have since learned that there is no possible way that a processed diet – or any other diet for that matter – can offer enough nutrition to ward off all illness. And, we will never be able to standardize a diet – raw, cooked, kibble or otherwise – for all dogs because varying lifestyles and situations, including age and breed, makes a “one-fits all” diet impossible. Rarely then can any diet provide the appropriate levels of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients that are required to sustain the numerous body functions and processes that support life, prevent disease, maintain health and optimize wellness for each individual pet. All pets, especially those with health problems, are affected by specific nutrient deficiencies and the requirement for well-selected vitamins and minerals that must be supplemented at therapeutic dosages to be effective.

How are nutrient deficiencies impacting your dogs health?

A nutrient deficiency disease is when an illness or disease occurs as an actual result of one or more nutrient deficiencies which results in clinical symptoms. Therefore, when the specific deficiencies are replenished or corrected the symptoms disappear and the disease is so-called cured. Nutrient deficiency diseases can manifest from incomplete or inappropriate diets; poor digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients from food; faulty metabolism, toxicity, illness, abuse or neglect, over-training, unhappy households or periods of high nutritional demands. All of these situations can deplete a variety of different nutrients. And, if they are not replenished they will eventually lead to more health problems which lead to more deficiencies which lead to more health problems…and so it continues. In addition, all medications, without exception, deplete certain nutrients. Drug-related deficiencies therefore are very common but seldom addressed. For example, antibiotics deplete probiotics, biotin, folic acid and Vitamin B12; and steroids deplete calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and B-vitamins.

And furthermore, nutritional deficiencies are often overlooked because of the mistaken assumption that they can all be identified with blood tests. But blood tests are a very poor indicator of nutritional status since the blood is the last vehicle to change when a particular nutrient falls below normal or adequate levels. This means that certain body organs and tissues can be deficient in a particular nutrient for months or even years before it will ever – if ever at all – show up in a blood test. These unidentified “sub-clinical” nutritional deficiencies are therefore difficult to diagnose, at least with conventional medical tests. This is unfortunate because nutrient deficiencies are extremely common and have a major impact on health, wellness and disease prevention.

What nutrients should you supplement them with?

Some of the most common deficiencies present which are seldom identified include calcium (muscle strength, joints, arthritis, anxiety); magnesium (nerves, heart, muscles); potassium (digestion and elimination of toxicity); iron (anemia, energy, circulation, immunity); selenium (liver, immunity, muscles); vitamin B6 (arthritis, hormones, skin); vitamin B12 (anemia, energy, colon health, anemia, nerve nutrient); and folic acid (protein digestion, parasite resistance, nerve nutrient).

Great nutrition will optimum health and longevity

When nutrient deficits are identified, replenished and corrected they have a significant influence on the health of your dog – they feel better, they digest better, they eat better, they build resistance to disease, they are more mobile and they live longer. If you are not sure what specific nutrient may benefit your dog get them started on Riva’s Happy Pets. This plant-based nutritional powder is loaded full of nutrition including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

For extensive information on diet, nutrition, and natural healing programs read Healing Dogs Their Way

    Marijke van de Water, B.Sc., DHMS Animal Health & Nutrition Specialist
    Homeopathic Practitioner
    Medical Intuitive & Healer
    Educator & Author

    Marijke is a life-long animal lover, the author of Healing Dogs Their Way, and the founder, formulator, and CEO of Riva’s Remedies. She is a gifted healer who has helped thousands of animals live happier, healthier lives.
