
10 Diet Tips for Keeping your Cat Healthy: Food Rules!

Posted by Marijke van de Water on 2018 Jul 9th

10 Diet Tips for Keeping your Cat Healthy: Food Rules!
  1. Change the dietary staples from time to time. If your cat has been eating the same food and/or the same meat protein day after day, year after year it’s time for a change. This is particularly important if your cat has health problems. Every animal on the planet likes variety – it’s a natural result of hunting and foraging.

  2. Cats are carnivores and can excel on BARF (bones and raw food), however every cat is different and they may need their food cooked. Cats with sensitive digestive systems, chronic illness and/or the older cat often don’t have enough digestive strength to eat raw food.

  3. As carnivores, cats excel on a higher protein diet, however every cat is different and certain cats feel better on a lower protein diet. Be cautious with high meat/excess protein levels in older cats as well as cats with liver or kidney problems, arthritis, muscle weakness and immune disorders. For some very ill cats or cats with digestive/appetite problems I have had much success in guiding owners to feed a temporary vegetarian diet.

  4. Be cautious with beef, pork, venison and organ meats. These red meats pack a lot of arachidonic acid or uric acid and are a frequent cause of sore joints, muscle weakness, arthritis and immune system problems.

  5. Not every feline diet has to be completely grain-free but avoid feeding wheat, spelt, kamut, quinoa and corn. Always cook grains first and offer them very small amounts. Don’t feed meat and grains in the same meal.

  6. Cats have a very high requirement for healthy oils and essential fatty acids but don’t over-do the fat supplements. Excess fats and oils burden the liver and strain the kidneys. Feed seeds, fish, and Riva’s Vital Force which contains chia seed as well as spirulina, both high in plant protein and rich in essential fatty acids.

  7. Offer your cats different kinds of vegetables and a little fruit out of your own kitchen – cooked or raw. Offer small pieces to start and let him/her decide what they like. You might be surprised!

  8. Cats love home-made soup broth and it is very healthy for them. If you don’t make soup at home try looking in the canned food section in the grocery store and buy a high quality organic soup. You may also be able to find an organic freeze-dried soup in the pet food store. Word of warning though – cats are not usually interested in anything that costs less than $10 per serving.

  9. Don’t expect any commercial food program to provide all of your cats’ nutritional needs no matter what claims made. If your cat has health problems, is too hungry, begging or feeling unsatisfied, change the diet program and feed healthy foods from your own kitchen.

  10. Use Riva’s Pro-Colon probiotics for three-four weeks twice per year. Pro-Colon optimizes the digestion, increases nutrient absorption and prevents intestinal problems by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens. Riva’s Pro-Colon contains live bacteria and is kept refrigerated for maximum potency. It is safe, cost effective, and beneficial for all cats.
