
Happy Horse Senior 1kg

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Product Overview

Herbal Mineral Mix

An all-natural plant and seaweed based blend herbal mineral mix for the senior horse of any breed. Natural source of trace minerals, vitamins, and fibre. Supports a healthy hair coat, skin, and hooves. Promotes overall wellness and immunity.

Beneficial for: Haircoat ~ Skin ~ Hooves

Directions: 1/4 cup daily for one month. Then decrease to a maintenance dose of 2-3 Tbsp daily.

Ingredients: Blueberry Fibre Powder, Flax Seeds, Herbal Mineral Mix (Kelp, Irish Moss, Dulse), Oatstraw, Rosehips, Beet Root Powder, Sage. 

Size: 1kg. Up to a 6 week supply. 

Not for use in pregnant or lactating animals