Meet Our Team of Passionate Animal Health Advocates

Marijke van de Water, B.Sc., DHMS
Founder, Formulator and CEO
Marijke has been in practice for over 25 years as a Nutritional Consultant, Homeopathic Practitioner, Author and Educator. She is a gifted and highly respected medical intuitive who has tens of thousands of success cases behind her. Marijke is one of North America’s top experts in natural animal health care; she has authored three books: Healing People: The Marijke Method, Healing Horses Their Way and Healing Dogs Their Way – all written to improve the lives of animals and their people. Marijke founded Riva’s Remedies in 1999 as part of her life-long mission to help make the world a kinder, better and healthier place for all sentient beings. When Marijke isn’t helping animals she loves to spend time on her ranch with her horses, the hens and her rescue dog, Bella.

Elisha Edwards, B.Sc., MBA
Director of Education
Elisha is an organic chemist, a natural animal health consultant, an animal lover, and Marijke’s daughter. She is passionate about delivering safe and effective health care to all horses and believes that through education and awareness of natural health we can significantly improve their quality of life as well as longevity. In an effort to bring this knowledge into the hands of horse lovers all over the world she is the head instructor of our comprehensive online course, Healing Horses Their Way as well as several mini-courses. Elisha is committed to driving the natural health movement forward for horses everywhere so that we can all provide them with the standard of health care that they deserve. When she is not educating and consulting, she loves to ride horses in Alberta, spend time with Bella, her four-year old rescue, and make regular visits to the ranch to see her favorite red-headed mare Riva, the grand dam of Riva’s Remedies.

Jessica Fobert
Qualified Barefoot Trimmer & Hoof Care Specialist
Jessica is our hoof health assessment and trimming expert. Jessica is passionate about hooves and supporting health, wellness and optimum movement in horses, ponies, and donkeys. Jessica began her journey with horse hooves 12 years ago when she learned how to trim her own horses. She got hooked on hooves and went on to learn everything she could so she could help more horses achieve and maintain soundness. From there, she went on to earn her certification with the American Hoof Association as well as the Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners group. Jessica is also experienced in horse training and development, and holistic horsemanship instruction. And after seeing many of the horses come to her with unbalanced hooves and soundness issues she understands and appreciates how important it is to correct those imbalances before advancing their workload. Jessica explains that the foundation of the entire horse is their hooves and her goal is to help them feel confident and capable.

Darla Cameron, DHHP
Administrator and Executive Assistant
Darla has a Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Science and is one of two voices on the telephone when you call the office. She delivers top quality customer care and expert health advice to all Riva’s customers, human and animal. She has recently completed our Healing Horses Their Way online course to learn all about natural horse health care. She keeps all of our operations running smoothly and efficiently and also takes on the role of Marijke’s Executive Assistant. She has a strong interest in healing, nutrition and whole foods and loves all animals – especially cats! She is down to earth, compassionate and aspires to help others. If you want to know anything about homeopathy or cats, Darla is your girl!

Accounts Manager
Susan holds an accounting diploma from Bow Valley College in Calgary and has 20 years experience in the accounting industry. Susan manages budgets, expenses, cash flow and everything in between. She excels at data analysis and interpretation and plays an integral role in supporting the decision-making process for all Riva’s activities. Her grounded and down-to-earth personality combined with her practical and common-sense approach makes her an excellent team member. She is the proud mother of three grown children and seven grandchildren.

Tammy Reimer
Tammy is a valued member of our team and doubles as one of our Office Administrators as well as a Warehouse Assistant where she packages and manages inventory. Tammy can also be found at the customer service desk answering phones and serving customers. She makes sure that all of our customers are looked after and that mail orders are sent out promptly. Her pleasant and polite manner, as well as her knowledge of horses, makes her a delight to talk to. She has also recently completed our Healing Horses Their Way online course to learn all about natural horse health care. Tammy has been happily married for 24 years and has three children, two horses and two dogs. She is passionate about riding her horses and loves gardening and refinishing furniture.

Riva the Horse
Riva is a 20 year old registered appendix quarter horse mare who is also the namesake for Riva’s Remedies. Riva is the great granddaughter of Riva Ridge, the fabulous racehorse and stablemate to Secretariat. Just like her great grandfather Riva loves to run. She has a great deal of speed, lots of fire and a compassionate heart which graces our product labels. Riva continues to live on the Ranch and can often be found eating out of her favorite red slow feeder or rolling in the snow.

Kava the Dog
Kava was a very special Catahoula hound that left behind a legacy of wisdom and compassion. He graced Riva’s Ranch for 15 years before passing over the rainbow bridge in 2016. Kava was a guardian, a greeter and a friend who attended thousands of healings and workshops with Marijke. Kava’s healing spirit lives on to help thousands of more dogs as he continues to grace our labels with his stamp of approval.